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Counselling branch logo - image 12


For full details of Counselling Courses and Costs see The Liverpool Empowerment Centre website

Level 2 Award in Counselling Concepts

This course provides a basic introduction to counselling. Learners will develop an understanding of what counselling is and an appreciation that qualified counsellors and those who use counselling skills abide by an ethical framework. They will learn about the importance of creating the correct environment and the right ethos for the helping relationship to be successful

The overall aims of this introductory course are:

1. To enhance and improve the verbal (especially empathy, the ability to listen and respect silence) and the written communication skills of participants. Emphasis will be given to working in groups and teams.

2. To provide a realistic understanding of the demanding nature of vocational training especially in counsellor skills training.

3. To introduce learners to experiential learning processes that will include a high element of personal growth work, developing further self-confidence and selfesteem.

4. To prepare learners to progress onto appropriate further qualifications.

5. To deliver underpinning knowledge in such a way as to help directly in the world of work.

At the end of a Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Concepts course learners should:

1. Have a basic understanding of what counselling is about and be able to compare and contrast counselling with other forms of helping.

2. Have some basic counselling skills to further improve their own communication processes.

3. Understand more clearly what counselling training entails and be able to make a more informed choice as to whether or not s/he is suited to undertake vocational counselling training as opposed to other types of training

4. Provided they fulfil and pass the assessment criteria, be entitled to receive an ABC Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Concept

ABC Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Concepts is an introductory counselling course. It is stressed that the introductory nature of this programme is such that no person is qualified at the end of this course to use counselling skills or be a counsellor.

It is intended solely as a basic introduction to counselling for those who have had no previous experience of or training in the field of counselling. Its versatility appeals to a wide range of potential learners and the target market includes those who are considering embarking on formal counselling training as an intended career change. It is also intended for those who wish to improve their listening and communication skills.

Further details can be seen on the ABC website.

Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills

The aim of this qualification is the improved performance of those who use counselling skills. It is intended that learners be given the opportunity to develop a range of counselling skills and skills in self-awareness and self-assessment. These skills will be enhanced through a process which encourages learners to assume an active responsibility for their own learning. They willbe helped to establish principles and good practice from a shared analysis with fellow learners and staff of experiences on the course and related experiences elsewhere.

For the Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills, the specific aims are: 1. To develop a repertoire of counselling skills at a consistent level. 2. To underpin these skills with an understanding of one major therapeutic model. 3. To increase the self-awareness of the person and their awareness of the impact that they have on people.

Further details can be seen on the ABC website.